
Months of work done in minutes

Deep semantic

Reverse-engineers your software inner workings from its source code, DB scripts, config files.

150+ technologies

Secure and

Your source code never leaves your control – analysis runs locally or via GitHub Actions.

with AI

AI assistant for intuitive use, natural language explanations, and advise on actions to take.


Explore architectural layers and understand their dependencies
Visualize all technologies used and understand their dependencies
Visualize all application objects, their taxonomy and inter-dependencies
Visualize all data structures - tables, records, collections, and their dependencies
Data model
Visualize how objects interact with the database, e.g., CRUD operations, calls
Data access
See end-to-end flows from various start points, e.g., web pages or tables
Call graphs
Explore all classes, subclasses, and understand their dependencies
Visualize microservices used, their underlying technologies and objects
Visualize application APIs and navigate their end-to-end call flow
See dependencies between applications analyzed with CAST Imaging
App-to-app dependencies


Understand any object’s Callers or Callees to any level
Call hierarchy
Select two objects and see all paths that connect them
Path finder
Select an object and see its parent or child objects
Parent / child
See all transactions and objects potentially affected by a code change
Impact analysis
Drill down to the line of code
Code viewer
Get an explanation of what an object is and what it does
AI explanations
Get a summary of all objects and dependencies in a view, e.g., a call graph
AI summaries
Get answers in natural language about the application’s inner workings
AI assistance
Export reports on composition, complexity, coupling, change, and more

Get guidance

See required changes and effort for moving from Oracle, MS SQL, and DB2
Database migration

PostgreSQL, MySQL, Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, Azure SQL, GCP Cloud SQL
See required changes and effort for rehosting, replatforming, and refactoring
Mainframe modernization

AWS EC2, Azure VMs, Google Compute Engine environments

Add your knowledge

Add information to any object or view, then filter in searches or navigation
Tag, annotate
Add text, group, and adjust graph layouts to enhance visualization
Enrich call graphs
Customize and store different views for quick reference and easy sharing
Save views
Export all objects and dependencies present in views via multiple formats
Export findings

Discover ways to improve applications

Cloud and

Maps objects that act as blockers or boosters for moving to containers or cloud native.

See how

Major structural

Maps objects posing the most critical flaws impacting the resiliency, security, efficiency, per ISO 5055.

See how

Open source

Maps security, legal, and obsolescence exposures form open-source components used.

See how


Maps objects contributing to excessive use of resources and energy.

See how